Current Campaigns

2022 Legislative Session

For those who were unable to attend the Climate Action Planning Forum, on Dec. 4, 2021, we encourage you to watch the following videos from the event to learn more about the priorities for the 2022 legislative session:

As you will note, many of these issues are not new to the discussion. Your engagement and support can help to ensure that meaningful climate action intention is developed into specific and actionable policy. From this forum, the following task forces are now being created. For more details on each, see the descriptions here. Included with each task force are links to previously introduced version of bills that did not pass. Note that they do not represent the entirety of the discussion.

  • Carbon Pricing: advocates and organizes around policy relating to carbon pricing (relevant bills that were introduced in 2021 and did not pass include: taxes on fossil fuels SB 546, HB 460, and HB 1319; Carbon Cashback HB 134 and SB 311)

  • Visitor Impact Fee, or Green Fee: advocates and organizes around policy that would establish a green fee for visitors that travel to Hawaii (HB 805 and SB 666)

  • Green Constitutional Amendment: advocates and organizes around policy in support of an amendment to the Hawaii constitution, that would recognize and protect a fundamental right to clean water, clean air, and healthy ecosystems including a stable climate.  (HB 551 and SB 502)

  • Decarbonization of State Buildings and Electricity Production: advocates and organizes around policy that would establish action for the decarbonization of Electricity Production and State buildings (some relevant bills that were introduced in 2021 that did not pass — electricity production HB 1143 and SB 530, bills on state buildings HB 550 and SB 501)

  • Decarbonization of Transportation: advocates and organizes around policy that supports the electrification of transportation (some of the relevant bills that did not pass, HB 1140 and SB 773, HB 803 and SB 756, HB 1141, SB 1309)

  • Carbon Sequestration: advocates and organizes around policy that would establish programs and incentives for nature/technology-based methods of carbon capture (SB 493 Agriculture and Forest Carbon Positive Incentive Program introduced in 2021 but did not pass)

  • Cesspool Replacement: advocates and organizes around policy that prioritizes the conversion of cesspools (house and senate bills introduced in 2021 but did not pass)

  • Sunscreens: advocates and organizes around policy that would ban the sale of sunscreens containing chemicals harmful to marine ecosystems (house and senate bills introduced in 2021 but did not pass)

  • Aquarium Fishing: advocates and organizes around a policy that prohibits the harvesting of aquatic life (house and senate bills that were introduced in 2021 and are being carried over to 2022)

  • Climate Justice Action Plan: advocates and organizes around the creation and implementation of a state-level, community-driven Climate Justice Action Plan (SB 1277 environmental justice mapping task force and advisory council introduced in 2021 and did not pass)

If you are interested in participating in any of these task forces, fill out this form to sign up now. Groups have not yet met and will likely meet in early January. Contact us at if you have any questions and we can answer or direct your inquiries as needed. We look forward to taking action together!